Spring Cleaning And Website Maintenance For Your Website
Regular web site upkeep is a crucial facet of owning a business.
Just like your house or office, your website needs regular cleaning and maintenance.
Some jobs need to be done daily, such as backups – to make sure your site and data is protected. Other jobs can be weekly or monthly, and some tasks even need to be monitored 24 hours a day to prevent hackers or malware being placed on your site.
Look around. Do you see anything that is missing or do you need content changes, pictures uploaded or optimised so they load faster, or products added to your site?
These are the areas where a Redback Website Maintenance agreement can really benefit your business.
Think about how much time you could waste learning how to make changes to your websites pages? What happens if you do something wrong and the format of your entire site is lost? What happens if you accidentally delete a small piece of code that is critical to your site and your entire site crashes? These could all be very costly exercises.
By having a Website Maintenance Agreement with Redback Web Solutions you are protected in every way. Our professional website developers and engineers make the changes you need on your website. We backup you site regularly, make sure your site is up to date with the latest security patches, and monitor the site for hacks, file changes, and malware attacks 24 hours a day – 7 days a week.
If your site is subject to a Malware attack – we fix it at no charge to you.
Website Maintenance Service Includes:
5 Support Tickets per month for Website Changes
Daily Backups of your Entire Site and Database
Plugins and Themes Checked and Updated Monthly
Comments and Spam Cleared
Ongoing Security Checks
24/7 Monitoring for Changes to Site Files
Malware and Blacklist Monitoring
Unlimited Malware Cleanup
Blacklist Removal
Server Side File Scanning
Website Defacement Monitoring
This service is a must for any business serious about protecting their website and maintaining quality up-time.
Regular site updates (5 per month) are included as part of the 5 support tickets.
Contact Us today to see how we can protect your business website, make your online presence stress free, and save you costly technician fees.